Every Thing You Should Know About Cryptofifa

2 min readMay 1, 2021

What is cryptofifa?

Cryptofifa is a crypto football player card Gamefi platform based on NFT, which introduces the classic gameplay of traditional football games into the crypto world and integrates NFT and Defi elements to develop a more fair, friendly and sustainable game mechanism, with gameplay including opening packs, event mining, lineup challenges, etc. Users can permanently collect their favorite crypto football player cards and get corresponding mining rewards according to the performance of players or their teams in real games. The system will issue tasks according to the hot events, users who finished the tasks of collecting required cards could synthesize more advanced cards and get excessive mining rewards. The cards held by users can be recycled or traded on exchanges.

Our innovation

NFT football player cards

each football layer corresponds to the casting of 100 RARE cards, 10 SPECIAL cards and 1 UNIQUE card, taking into account the game scenario and collection scenario.

Opening Pack

Using FFA tokens, users could buy packs. After opening the packs, users can get random player cards. Different cards have different burst rates according to the status of the players and the scarcity level of the cards.

Event Mining

The platform takes snapshots of the user’s wallet address regularly. Users holding encrypted football player cards, corresponding to players who start, score goals and whose teams win in the specified tournament, will be rewarded with FFA tokens in proportion.

Squad Building Challenge

The system will issue squad building objectives according to the hot events, and users can collect the required cards to synthesize higher level cards according to the requirements to get excessive mining rewards.

Social Media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoFifa

Telegram: English group: https://t.me/cryptofifa_en

中文社区: https://t.me/cryptofifa_cn

Medium: https://cryptofifa.medium.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cryptofifa/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptofifa/




Fantasy Football Association. Collect and trade NFT-based football player card. Play & earn! Telegram group: https://t.me/cryptofifa_en